Tuesday 29 January 2008

House Hunting

As the title clearly suggests, we've been looking at houses for a while and this past weekend we actually had a couple of viewings. The first house was a 4 bedroom semi-detached in a good area.
verdict: Hellooooo 70's decorating! A lovely avocado green bathroom suite whereof the loo was actually in a tiny room on its own, but you still had to go into the other room to wash your hands... Great? No, not really.

Now you say I'm picky but no, I am not. The people living there spent £60K on renovations 4 years ago but never bothered changing the longhaired shaggy carpets that were beige with poop coloured [on purpose] stripes or the horrendous Braille patterned walls (Am not joking, I'm sure they had all volumes of the most extensive encyclopaedia "written" on those walls) . Too much money for too much work.

2nd house; 2 streets away from Twilight-zone house. 3 bedroom semi-detached - plenty of space. Renovated 2 years ago by normal, connected to this world-people. verdict: absolutely, fantastic, gorgeous, and all other positive comments you can think of. I would have, could have moved in there yesterday. Cheaper than house 1 but owners in need of quick sale due to being re-located at work + they've had an offer (lower than asking price). If we had been a month further on in selling our flat we would have offered the full asking price. we did say we were interested in case the offer falls through (fingers crossed).

3rd house; viewing today. 3 semi-detached in a bit more central location. Ample space. Kitchen was tiny and it didn't look as if could be extended or knock down the wall to make it bigger.
verdict: Only room for a washing machine or a dishwasher and I don't want a smaller kitchen than we have now. Boyfriend would hear me say "fuggin' kitchen" within a week. So - a "no".

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