Saturday, 11 June 2011

In Which There... a more quality sense of stress. "Quality" as in "not about to stick my finger in a wall socket and electrocute myself" type of quality.  So, in other words, a lot better!!

Baby N has been quite poorly so most nights have been spent comforting the little 'fart' but he seems to be on the mends so...

Have also gotten more things sorted for the wedding. Little things but oh so important for the overall feel. Still need to get those shoes though. Should I be bold and buy shoes over the internet or go into town and get a "safer" pair in both colour and fit?



Mrs E (ibland Grefvinnan) said...

Har samma problem, har hittat "the shoe" på nätet men den har fått både pos och neg omdömen...

David Coleman said...
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Ems said...

Jag har inte sett ngt betyg/omdome pa "min" sko men maste ta mig en funderare for det ar US storlekar och sa hade jag tankt att ha dem aven pa ditt brollop men nu har jag sett en klanning som jag viiiiiiiiiiill ha men da passar inte skorna.

och sa har jag hort att de svalter i vissa lander men det har jag inte tid/ork med nu... i-lands problem, eller vad?