Monday 18 June 2007

One of my blonde moments

Having spent so uch time in England in the past 6,5 years, I have gained knowledge in areas I never thought I would or want to know things about. Drugs is one such area...

I've been broght up in a community of approx. 1200 people. I don't think I need to say that everuone knew everyone (it's changed a bit now) and some cultures have their boogeyman that they scare kids with. In my childhood there was a person living in the village and parents used to say: "If you don't behave and do well in school you'll be just like Knarkar Karro!" Karro was a girl who used to do drugs hence the nickname "Druggie Karro".

I don't think I've ever seen this Karro-girl but it was effective... To me there are no light drugs or heavy drugs. Drugs are drugs. My parents are sooo proud!

Anyway, not everyone sees drugs the way I do and studying in England made me aware of this but it also made me realise how gullible and incredible naïve I am when it comes to drugs. One example of that is when I visited Boyfriend and they had a houseparty. All housemates had friends coming from all parts of England, which was great fun but it sadly showed me as the stereotypical blonde through and through. Not only did I cry a bit when my best compact powder broke into little tiny pieces (it was shit-expensive and do you know how hard it is to find a powder that works with my skintone??!) but I was completely and utterly ignorant when it came to why the partypeople where so happy. "Aww, aren't they all very friendly and so happy? I really like british people..."

In the midst of preparation for the party I was in the kitchen and someone was playing some kind of TV-game (another area I'm clueless in). He asked me who I was and where I was from and the inevitable question "Have you ever been in a porn movie" came up.. (I have not!) And then he asked me; "Are you going to do Charlie tonight?" I thought he was a bit strange and replied what I thought was the correct answer; "No. I'm -eh - D's girlfriend [I just told you that you prat]. I'm with D!" I probably spoke the last bit as if I was talking to someone of very low intelligence, an amoeba or something similar.

Luckily Boyfriend had heard the conversation and came in and just said "No, she is not." He then dragged me up to his room and explained that "Charlie" is not a person but another word for Cocaine. "Ooohhhh!"

I then tried to avoid the guy for the rest of the night but I'm sure he had fun getting to know me...

I still haven't learnt the meaning of "Charlie" and there are many a jokes that just pass me by as I don't get it... "Who's this Charlie again, is he cute??" - "Awww, Ems!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, you and me both. I would have been just as blonde when it comes to Charlie (although since I'm not D's girl I would probably have responded something like " Sure I'll do him, is he cute?")

Anyway, come visit me anytime - just call and check if I'm home first. Champagne sounds nice and it'd be great fun to see you again!