Friday 13 April 2007

A lazy day

I have had suc a nice and lazy day. It started with my parents' dog, Cherry, sneaking into my room and up in my bed as she was in need of a chat. For those of you who haven't met Cherry, she is very chatty, especially in the morning. She sort of growls - like a lion - and amswers if you talk to her. It's all very sweet.

After getting up and looking worse for wear - hair on end and tired eyes and baggy jeans and an old t-shirt. My dad looked at me and said he wasn't too sure if I ought to help him in the garden looking like that as I "might scare the trees to death." I was too tired to even start arguing over the fact that it doesn't require good looks to cut/trim the appletrees, so I just sort of growled a´la Cherry and had a piece of cake for breakfast.

We only got as far as "sorting out" one tree as my dad looked at one of the others and simply said: "We'll let it blossom and then we'll cut the crap down, it doesn't give fruit anyway." So it was all quite simple and I didn't saw/or cut any fingers off which is a good thing. Although the tree slapped me with a tiny twig - right on the cheek - and left a red mark but my dad said it was an improvement... I am pretty sure he loves me.

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