Sunday 8 April 2007

I'm sorry but does my existence annoy you?

Well, I've been a bit busy since I got back to "Sviiiden" so here's what happened after I left the flat in Sheffers...

Dragged my suitcase up the hill and realised that I'd left the £-coin in the bowl... crap... oh well, never mind. Got on the tram and stupid, stupid tram-lady gets absolutely p-ed off for having to give change back for a tenner. "I am sorry but the cash-machines do not give out anything less that £10 [bitch]!" It wasn't as if I'd done it on purpose and she had loads (!!!) of change. She glared at me and I glared back... No one was declared winner but I gave myself the "victory" as I don't like losing.

Trainride was fine and so was check-in which was open early(!) and the wait was ok.... until I stepped into the bookstore. I had a thorough look around as I had a fairly long wait and well, I luurve books.

I was just standing there looking at a book I've recently bought, The God Delusion. It deals with various arguments about God's existence and it sort of crushes all arguments in favour of God. I'm an RE-teacher and I like reading about religions - all of them - out of my own interest but also to be able to provide a wide range of arguments for/against everything and everyone!

Anyway, as I was reading the back of the book, a man - middleaged - comes up to me and sort of snarls and tells me not to read a disgusting book like that and how it is offensive towards good christians like himself and that I ought to read up on the "real" thing instead. I assume that the man meant the Bible. And fair enough, we're all entitled to our own opinions but I really dislike people assuming things about me. I've studied the O.T. and I truly enjoyed that course. I bet I've read/studied it a helluva lot better than he ever has or ever will. Well, the lady on the tram might have "tapped" my buttons and this man pushed them and oh boy, he picked the wrong girl to tell off...

Sometimes you just stand there astounded when things happen but on rare occasions you're able to find that perfect answer in the back of your head and answer back while the person is still around. This was one of those rare moments. The conversation I had with him (or monologue) went something like this...

"I do not appreciate you assuming things about me as you know absolutely nothing about me or my beliefs. I am not afraid to read things that may or may not go against what I believe in. God even tested Abraham and Moses to see if their beliefs were strong enough (I put myself in good company, huh?). Perhaps your faith isn't strong enough, Sir, to read a book like this but do not make your weaknesses mine!"

I think he realised that I wasn't in the mood to be challenged so he buggered off. It took less than 30 seconds but it felt goood!

Perhaps I should have just smiled politely and turned my back on him. I do feel quilty for making it sound as if I'm actually a hard-core christian and the Big Guy will probably strike me with a thunderbolt or something for "lying" but the man just jumped on me. It wasn't as if I held up the book and shouted "hallelujah, that'll show the suckers...." for everyone to hear. I'm not like that, I don't think bad of people who believe.

The rest of the trip went fine but for a moment it felt as if people had it in for me. Ok, only 2 but sometimes 2 are 2 too many. He caught me on a bad day and even worse, he caught me on a day when my mind was actually working... And pardon the pun but perhaps he learnt he shouldn't judge a book by its cover!

I'll run for cover next time there are thunderclouds about...


Anonymous said...

You are my new, true hero for doing that! Man I love it when one can actually tell people off like that. My brain usually doesn't tink of an answer until six months later...

Ems said...

I know - I'm usually the same but for once, and it'll probably be the only time, the answer just came to me. Almost like a divine intervention ;-)

dddd said...

Hahaha! You go, girlie! I wish I had your guts. And brain. :)