Sunday 18 March 2007

Old Man and Pigeons

People who know me well know that there are few animals that I don't like. At the top of that list (and perhaps the only ones) are: pigeons and worms!

The worm-thing can be dated back to when I was about 7 and a boy in my class -N. F - showed off (??!) by putting a worm on his tongue and then he swallowed it! I still remember it as if it'd just happened. And when they are all over the roads when it's wet... urgh! I have actually missed a bus or two due to there being too many worms lying around and me having to walk around them. Not to mention the smell! Some people may remark on the fresh smell after a summer's rain, but I can smell worms! I do know that they are extremely important for the soil and I don't want them to be gone but it doesn't mean I like them.

And pigeons...

creepy birds littering the cities begging for food, flying right over your head. I'd rather hold a bunch of worms in my hand than be anywhere near a pigeon. Filthy things...

I had the opportunity to go to Krakow when I was 18, sent by my school, and one afternoon when all of us (a trip organized by the Red Cross) were walking across a massive square a woman, completely covered in pigeons - and pigeon poo - walked up to us and demanded us to pay to feed her birds.
As anyone with a slight phobia knows: things like that can be a bit scary and I freaked out from having a flock of pigeons so close to me, so I jumped and screamed a little (not much) and that, of course, scared the birds and made them fly away which freaked me out even more and the lady got angry and shouted at us for scaring her birds. We ran for our lives.

The image of the birds flying over my head and a woman covered in pigeon poo still haunts me.

Anyway, what I was meaning to say was that there are major problems with pigeons in the city. They have obviously no notion about the meaning of "personal space" and they litter everywhere. Fair enough, they eat food dropped by people (they're too lazy to put trash in bins provided in England) and I guess you can say they keep the streets clean-ish.

I was walking home from town, having bought a newspaper for Boyfriend, and what do I see?! A man is coming out from a shop where he's bought loads of nuts, he then proceeds to throw the nuts on the ground -obviously to feed the pigeons - and the be-winged filths came running from all over. I swear, they can hear the drop of a nut from across the city and when I say "running" I mean "running" as they're too fat to fly! It was pure hell, pigeons everywhere! This time, however, I managed to stay calm but I gave the man the Evil Eye as he walked past me.

So people, I know you mean well but please; pigeons in the city are fat!! and they don't need any more food. If they eat, they poo and I bet that by Sod's Law, it won't be you they poo on but me! And I don't like pigeons!


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