Friday, 14 October 2011

Coming or Running Away

Time - it just never seems to be enough of it. I know that it's all to do with prioritising so there really ought to be enough time for all the important stuff. I really do try to prioritise and yet I never, ever, seem to get to the Post Office to send off some stuff I should have sent aaaages ago. I suck.

Toddler N will be 18 months on Sunday. Shit. Where did that come from?? It seems like it was yesterday when I was all fed up with the contractions and nothing happening and then when The Baby (we didn't know it was a boy) started to get poorly in there it was decided that mommy's tummy was to be sliced open. Best decision EVER! Not only did we get a healthy baby boy but I also really enjoyed (I am sick) the whole theatre experience and I am pretty sure they tightened the skin/tummy afterwards so it was better than it would have been from a natural delivery. Can I complain? Not really.

But about time -
The western world says that "time is running away..." which sort of puts it in a negative spin and makes me feel stressed about "losing" it. In some parts of the Eastern World they say that "time is coming quickly..." or something to that effect. And I have to say that it sounds and feels a lot more positive way of thinking even though both saying mean the same thing.

Anyhow. Time comes fast these days and I've got to learn to keep up.


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