Monday 9 November 2009

Oh oh

A new week today and as for many many people, a workday. Yes, it was dull as shit but not as bad as I thought it'd be so that's nice!

As far as the house goes... Meh! I only get stressed/depressed when I think about it so I've decided to skip that part (mentally) and am skipping ahead to Christmas! This year I am actually really excited as I'll be staying in Sheffield with Boyfriend and hopefully in the house with a proper Christmas tree.

The only thing is that Boyfriend and I have to agree on a date when to put the tree inside the house. I'm used to us (my family and cousins) going into our forest on the 4th of Advent (or 3rd if 4th is too close to Christmas Eve)
to pick out a tree, cut it down, bring it home. Then it stays outside for a few days before we take it in and decorate it on the 23rd.

Boyfriend says trees come inside early December here. I'm not so keen on that as it will have died before Christmas itself... I can see some "discussions" coming up about this.

I won't give in though... Our Christmas is going to be MY way - or at least most of it.


tova said...

Låter som om du behöver lite semester från allt :) Hoppas allt blir bättre nu när julen närmar sig då (så inte ngn julstress sätter in istället:))

Ems said...

Jaaa, semester skulle onekligen vara skont! Julstressen kommer saker oxa men da ar vi [forhoppningsvis] fardiga med hus-stress. Allt val? KRAM

Tova said...

Jaa..hoppas verkligen ni får flytta in snart och komma till ro :)
Allt är bra med mig, inte fått ngt jobb än dock. Kommer väl få på fjället till vintern, men inget förrän då..lite tråkigt..:)
Men det lär väl lösa sig det med så småningom!